Monday, March 21, 2011


Sam started preschool today and I have to say it went better than expected. My husband and I walked him into class and he cried so much I thought I was going to breakdown right then and there but we mustered up the courage to trust his new teacher, leave the classroom and make our way home.    Thank God for Sam's teacher calling me an hour later to let me know that not only had Sam stopped crying but she had gotten some pictures of him with a smile on his sweet little face.  Ah, relief...we made it through the first day...Sam made it through the first day.  There wasn't some scary kid with a big stick waiting to beat him up or make fun of him, the teacher was so sweet and understanding and it was just all so...normal.  I am so thankful for that, I don't feel normal most days so I'll take what I can get.  I'm so proud of you my Sam, you're doing it and Mama's okay...after all I should have known you would be always are. I love you sweet boy.

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